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The story of David Turčáni, beekeeper

David Turčáni returned to Central Slovakia when his father´s health worsened. The idea of the Včelí kRaj (Bee Country) project was quite naturally born in a family with a 65-year beekeeping tradition. David and his girlfriend teach about the fragility of the environment through beekeeping. Thanks to the example of their lecturers in the apiary near Kokava nad Rimavicou, children and adults, domestic and foreign visitors can understand how by taking care locally, it is possible to change the world beyond us.

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The Novohrad Subregion

Beyond the mountains, divided by borders, among chestnut trees and vineyards, lies the sunny Novohrad. Warm sunny days, typical for this area, lure people to the water or to go for easy hikes. Modrý Kameň Castle comes to life with the joy of children in the museum of puppets and toys. The castle is the first of a number of castles to remember hard times in Novohrad during the Turkish invasion. Novohrad has also a rich pottery, ceramic and glass-making past which brings joy, beauty and usefulness.

TOP 8 of the NOVOHRAD subregion

A region with a rich history, beautiful nooks and delicious wine. Whether you are a tourist, cyclist, lover of culture or history, this region is perfect for you.

1. Lučenec Synagogue

The renovated largest and most beautiful synagogue in Slovakia today rises in the middle of Lučenec blocks of flats. It is no longer used for religious purposes, but it hosts cultural and social events and regular guided tours. Through them, the visitor gets to know this impressive work of Leopold Baumhorn and walks through the painful journey of the local Jewish community. Religious ceremonies were held in the temple until 1944, when its interior was destroyed. The period of decline began, the former sacred site became a warehouse, and the synagogue even several times faced a proposal for demolition. In 2016, during a record-long reconstruction, it rose from rubbish and ruin and once again became one of the jewels of the city and the region.

2. Novohrad-Nógrád – UNESCO global geopark

Novohrad-Nógrád Geopark is the first cross-border geopark of the European and global UNESCO geoparks network and the only one of its kind in Slovakia. It draws attention to remarkable geological and geomorphological phenomena and attractions in our and Hungarian landscape structure and contributes to their preservation, promotion and development of geotourism. In our territory, these are mainly localities near castles and their ruins (Hajnáčka Castle Hill, Fiľakovský Castle, Pohanský Castle, Šomoška Castle), where solidified props of ancient volcanic performances and movements remain.

3. Šomoška Nature Trail, Mačacia, Šomoška Castle

The Šomoška nature trail accompanies you on an easy walk through a magical forest along a stream, which in the shade of the trees seems to take on the color of a basalt stone. A little later you will come across a rocky sea that does not undulate, a basalt waterfall that has solidified in a unique bend. What the human hand has exposed from the rock will be revealed at the top of the hill in the form of the preserved ruins of the Šomoška castle. The whole area, including the immediate vicinity of the Hungarian territory, is at your feet. If you turn to the Mačacia Nature Trail, you will again reach the quarry where basalt was mined, used mainly for the production of paving stones.

4. Modrý Kameň Castle and Modrý Kameň Museum of Puppet Cultures and Toys

After the Turkish invasions, the ruins of a medieval castle from the 13th century remained in Modrý Kameň. Today, the Baroque mansion of the Balaš family with the Museum of Puppet Cultures and Toys is in close contact with them. This offers a number of attractions, such as prehistoric toys or those made by children themselves. There is also a unique historical exposition of dental technology at the castle. The Turks not only brought destruction to the Modrý Kameň, but by planting the first chestnut trees they laid the foundations of the largest chestnut tree in Slovakia. The goodies of these delicious fruits melt on the sweet tongues during the regular chestnut festivities in the city.

5. The Castle of Fiľakovo

Although Fiľakovo Castle is only a ruin in the tuff rampart of the rest of the volcanic crater, it still proudly dominates the entire city skyline. Until he wants to believe that he surrendered to the Turks due to a careless crew almost without a fight and that for almost 40 years he humbly accepted the position of the seat of the so-called fiľakovského sadžaku. Although the castle was recaptured, the stone cannonball wedged in the masonry of the still preserved Bebek bastion symbolizes a massive but definitive point behind the castle’s expansion, as it probably dates back to the time of the Tökol Uprising, during which the castle was destroyed. At present, in its restored parts, there is a museum with exhibits directly from the castle grounds, as well as the surrounding archeological sites. The nature trail brings the geological attractions of the castle hill closer.

6. Museum of the History of the Village Divín – Zichy Manor and Divín Castle

Not even Divín Castle from the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. he did not escape the Turkish threat and, according to legend, was released thanks to a young Gypsy woman who got drunk on the guard so that her companions would force the Turks to flee. However, in the 17th century, the castle was blown up by the emperor’s troops, who thus punished the castle lord Balaš for his robbery. The character of the fortress, ready to defend itself against the Turks, or the revenge of the outraged victims of the violent and fighting nature of its owner, also had Balašov manor house from the 17th century. He later passed into the hands of the Zichy family. After World War II, it housed the JRD and the Forest Administration, who did not treat this building with due respect. Today it is in a renovated state and acquaints visitors with the history of the village.

7. Budinské lazy, Ostrôžky

In the volcanic mountains of Ostrôžky near the village of Budiná, nature has sprung up on the impressive Budinská skala rock. Over time, weathering eroded the lava flow, creating a stone work. Nature incorporated the clump into the company of rock blocks, rocky seas and on the quiet canvas of a beautiful landscape with wild meadows. As a surprise, she hid a cave in it called Jánošík’s hideout. It also provides pleasant coolness in the summer and, instead of the bandit’s treasure, it will delight you with cencil decorations in the winter. Everyone who climbs to the top of Budinská skála is rewarded with a wonderful view.

8. Ružiná Dam – recreational area

The water in the Ružiná dam in the south of Slovakia will overheat quickly in order to open the season for its visitors as soon as possible. It can be pleasantly lazing in the sun, going crazy in the water, swimming, surfing or boating. However, it also prepares the joy of fishing trophies and mushroom catches from nearby forests. The dam and its surroundings provide many opportunities for active recreation in the water, on hiking trails, bicycles, volleyball courts and tennis courts.

Získaj informácie

Mestké informačné centrum Lučenec
Ulica Dr. Herza 240/1
984 01 Lučenec
+421 (0)47/43 31 513

Turistická informačná kancelária Lučenec
Staničný obvod 1132
984 01 Lučenec
+421 (0)917 514 724

Novohradské turisticko-informačné centrum Fiľakovo
Podhradská 1985/14
986 01 Fiľakovo
+421 (0)47/43 82 016
